Thursday, March 10, 2011

My classmate

Everybody on this earth must have attractions with other people such as falling in love, personality and many of that. Something like this has become commonplace in our life. I also have this feeling with someone in my class technical communication. I’m not falling in love or something to make a secret admire but this person makes me interested to his characterizes because this person has most interesting character from other my classmate for this class. He has a lot of good character from someone else who may be able to make an example for me. One of the characteristic that he has is ability to convince everyone in class such as when he spoke in a very smooth presentation, its enables us to understand what he said in his presentation. In addition, his body languages are also can convince everyone while he doing the presentation such as his hand, body and intonation so very exciting me. Another character that he has is so kindly. Not everyone has this characteristic. He is very kindly with another classmate especially with me and also not stingy with his knowledge. I’m so touching with this character. Other than that, the character that he has is personality and good looking. He was always well-dressed when in class or outside class time. This show, he was a clean person and a wise man. Lastly, his spontaneous joke also can make me interested with his character. For all my classmate, you must follow or have his character in yourself because if you have this character we can learn in calm and happy when we were in the class.

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